The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma
Series of Scientific Books
Edited by
Sir Arthur Everett Shipley,
John Stephenson
Published by Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street, London, England.
The Fauna of British India (short title) with long titles including The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma, and The Fauna of British India Including the Remainder of the Oriental Region is a series of scientific books that was published by the British government in India and printed by Taylor and Francis of London. The series was started sometime in 1881 after a letter had been sent to the Secretary of State for India signed by Charles Darwin, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker and other "eminent men of science" forwarded by P. L. Sclater to R. H. Hobart.
W. T. Blanford (7 October 1832 – 23 June 1905) was appointed editor and began work on the volume on mammals. After Blanford's death, Arthur Everett Shipley (10 March 1861 – 22 September 1927) became the editor. The first series was followed by a second edition of some of the volumes such a
s the mammals, birds, reptiles and butterflies. In 1922-23, Nelson Annandale sought to move the process of preparation of the books and its publication to India. The second edition is sometimes called the "new fauna". There were changes incorporated in this that included for instance the usage of trinomials for the birds. Following Shipley's death in 1927, Lieutenant Colonel John Stephenson, (6 February 1871 - 2 February 1933) formerly of the Indian Medical Service was appointed editor in May 1928. After Indian Independence in 1947 a few volumes were published under the new name of Fauna of India but some of the volumes that were under preparation were never published. The 1953 volume on polychaetes by Pierre Fauvel was published by the Indian Press from Allahabad.

Bhatia, B. L. (1936). Protozoa Volume 1
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Bhatia, B. L. (1938). Protozoa Volume 2
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-2-protozoa-2.pdf (32mb)Already downloaded 342 timesAnnandale, T. N. (1911). Freshwater sponges, Hydroids & Polyzoa
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-3-coelenterata.pdf (15mb)Already downloaded 356 timesBurton M (?) Porifera (Not published)
Stephenson, J. (1923). Oligochaeta
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-4-oligochaeta.pdf (22mb)Already downloaded 352 timesHarding, W. A. & Moore, J. P. (1927). Hirudinea
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-5-hirudinea.pdf (16mb)Already downloaded 354 timesSouthwell, T. (1930). Cestoda Volume 1.
Cestodaria, Bucestoda (excl. Taenioidia)
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Southwell, T. (1930). Cestoda Volume 2.
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Baylis, H. A. (1936). Nematoda Volume 1.
Ascaroidea and Strongyloidea
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Baylis, H. A. (1939). Nematoda Volume 2.
Filarioidea, Dioctophymoidea and Trichinelloidea
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Fauvel, P. (1953) Polychaeta
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-10-polychaeta.pdf (19mb)Already downloaded 358 timesBhalerao, D. G. (?) Trematoda (this was announced but never published)
Although these volumes were sanctioned, they were never published.
Nilsson-Cantell, C. A. (?) Cirripedia
Chopra, B. N. (?) Brachyura (Oxyrhyncha)
Seymour Sewell. R. B. (?) Copepoda (Calanoids)
Mortensen, T. (?) Echinoidea
This was never produced due to the death of the author. See preface by R B Seymour Sewell in the 1953 Polychaeta volume.
Blanford W. T.& Godwin-Austen H. H. (1908). Mollusca. Volume 1.
Testacellidae and Zonitidae
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Gude G. K. (1914). Mollusca. Volume 2.
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Gude G. K. (1921). Mollusca. Volume 3.
Land operculates (Cyclophoridae, Truncatellidae, Assimineidae, Helicinidae)
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Preston, H. B. (1915). Mollusca. Volume 4.
Freshwater Gastropoda & Pelecypoda.
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Prashad, Baini (?) Mollusca. Volume 5.
Pelecypoda (not published)
Pocock, R. I. (1900). Arachnida
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-15-arachnida.pdf (20mb)Already downloaded 353 timesSharif, M. (?) Ticks.
Distant, W. L. (1902). Rhynchota Volume 1.
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Distant, W. L. (1904). Rhynchota Volume 2.
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Distant, W. L. (1906). Rhynchota Volume 3.
Heteroptera - Homoptera
File fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-18-rhynchota-3.pdf not found on server
Distant, W. L. (1908). Rhynchota Volume 4.
Homoptera and Appendix (Pt.)
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Distant, W. L. (1911). Rhynchota Volume 5.
Heteroptera: Appendix
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Distant, W. L. (1916). Rhynchota Volume 6.
Homoptera: Appendix
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Distant, W. L. (1918). Rhynchota Volume 7.
Homoptera: Appendix; Heteroptera: Addenda
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-22-rhynchota-7.pdf (14mb)Already downloaded 371 timesBurr, M. (1910). Dermaptera (Earwigs)
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-23-dermaptera.pdf (16mb)Already downloaded 356 timesFraser, F. C. (1933). Odonata Volume 1.
Introduction, Coenagriidae
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Fraser, F. C. (1934). Odonata Volume 2.
Agriidae, Gomphidae
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Fraser, F. C. (1936). Odonata Volume 3.
Cordulegasteridae, Aeshnidae, Libellulidae.
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-26-odonata-3.pdf (24mb)Already downloaded 368 timesKirby, W. F. (1914). Acridiidae
Download file fauna/fauna-of-british-india/fauna-of-british-india-27-orthoptera.pdf (19mb)Already downloaded 327 timesSecond edition
Uvarov, B. P. (?) Acridiidae
Chopard, L. (1969). Orthoptera. Volume 2.
The Fauna of India and the Adjacent Countries series. Volume 1 not available here
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